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At St. Johannes Lutheran Church, we believe that when our neighbors are in need, our faith calls us to respond with compassion, support, and love. Through our ongoing partnership with The Navigation Center and Next Steps of Charleston, we have had the honor of helping those facing hardship and uncertainty. Here are the stories of two individuals, Jason and Brenda, whose lives were touched by this outreach.

Jason and His Fiancée: A Path to Stability in Summerville

Jason and his fiancée arrived in Charleston earlier this year with hopes for a fresh start. They had a job lined up and a place to stay with a friend until Jason could begin working. Unfortunately, their plans were upended when the job site closed unexpectedly, and their friend was evicted, leaving them homeless.

For months, Jason and his fiancée lived on the streets of Charleston, facing the harsh realities of homelessness. His fiancée, disabled and unable to work, needed a stable environment where Jason could support her. A glimmer of hope came when they found a place to rent in Summerville, where Jason had work opportunities and could be close to services that would help care for his fiancée. However, they were unable to afford the initial deposit required to secure the rental.

That’s where the partnership between St. Johannes and Next Steps stepped in. Together, we contributed to the deposit, helping Jason and his fiancée move into a stable home where they could begin to rebuild their lives. This support has given them the fresh start they desperately needed, and Jason can now focus on both his work and caring for his fiancée, knowing they have a safe place to call home.

Brenda’s Story: Relief in Times of Financial Strain

Brenda, a grandmother living on her own, has faced ongoing financial struggles. While her children and grandchildren do not live with her, she supports herself through disability income, which barely covers her basic needs. Though she can perform limited work, it has been challenging to find employment that accommodates her situation.

The Navigation Center has been a beacon of support in Brenda’s job search, but she recently found herself in a dire situation—she hadn’t been able to pay her water bill for four months, and the threat of a water shutoff loomed over her. Despite her efforts, she simply couldn’t make ends meet on her current income.

Recognizing the urgency of her situation, Next Steps and St. Johannes partnered to cover enough of Brenda’s outstanding water bill to prevent the shutoff. With this immediate crisis averted, Brenda will be able to focus on returning to limited work, and she is confident that she’ll be able to pay off the remainder of the bill soon. Her relief was palpable, and her gratitude reflected the peace of mind that comes with knowing that her essential utilities will remain on.

Conclusion: Walking with Our Neighbors in Need

At St. Johannes Lutheran Church, we are committed to serving those who find themselves in times of need. Jason, his fiancée, and Brenda are just two of the many individuals we’ve had the privilege of helping through our ongoing collaboration with The Navigation Center and Next Steps of Charleston. Each act of support, no matter how small, is a testament to the power of community and the love we are called to show as followers of Christ.

Through these partnerships, we strive to offer not only material assistance but also hope and encouragement to those navigating difficult times. As always, we invite our congregation and community to join us in this mission of service—whether through donations, volunteering, or simply keeping these individuals in your prayers. Together, we can continue to be the hands and feet of Christ, reaching out to those who need us most.

If you’d like to contribute to these efforts or learn more about how you can get involved, please contact St. Johannes Lutheran Church. Your support makes a meaningful difference in the lives of our neighbors in need.