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At St. Johannes Lutheran Church, we believe in the power of community and compassion to transform lives. This past week, we were blessed with the opportunity to extend our helping hands to several individuals in desperate need of support. Here are their stories:

Garry's Journey Home

Garry, a man with a bright spirit and a kind heart, recently found himself in a challenging situation. After serving his full sentence for a past mistake, he was mistakenly discharged to a facility meant only for parolees. With no place to go, Garry lived on the streets for two weeks. Desperate to reunite with his son and mother in Illinois, both of whom eagerly awaited his return, he faced a difficult journey. The Navigation Center couldn't allocate funds to help him, but St. Johannes Lutheran Church and Next Steps stepped in to cover his bus ticket home. Garry's heartfelt gratitude and the tattoo on his arm bearing his son's name and birthdate serve as reminders of the love and responsibility that guide him.

Katie's New Beginning

Katie, a young woman overcoming the challenges of OCD and PTSD, has shown remarkable progress. Despite being abandoned by her family, she has responded well to therapy at the Navigation Center and is now employed through vocational rehab. With a new job at a gas station, Katie's future looks bright. However, she needed assistance with her first week's rent at Oxford House. St. Johannes and Next Steps provided the necessary funds, ensuring Katie had a stable place to live as she continues her journey toward independence and healing.

Kevin's Road to Recovery

Kevin is recovering from neck and back surgery, struggling with pain and financial strain. He needed help with his rent while he recuperates and prepares to return to work. Together with the Navigation Center, Next Steps, and St. Johannes, we were able to cover part of his rent. After some counseling, Kevin felt hopeful that his brother in California could help with the remaining amount. This collaborative effort not only provided financial relief but also offered Kevin a sense of support and encouragement during his recovery.

Erika's Vision of Hope

Erika, a 57-year-old partially disabled woman, is dedicated to caring for her brother who is battling cancer while maintaining her part-time housekeeping job. She needed help paying for eyeglasses, an expense the Navigation Center couldn't cover. St. Johannes and Next Steps stepped in to ensure Erika received the eyeglasses she needed, enabling her to continue supporting her brother and managing her responsibilities.

Mrs. Brown's Relief - See Photo

Mrs. Brown faced the imminent threat of having her electric service turned off while caring for her husband, who is suffering from stage 4 cancer. The combined efforts of the Navigation Center, Next Steps, and St. Johannes prevented the disconnection, providing much-needed relief. Additionally, they couldn't afford her husband's Boost supplement, essential for his nutrition. Using food bank funds, Amy from St. Johannes immediately purchased a supply from Harris Teeter, and Rhonda from the Navigation Center delivered it. Mrs. Brown was overjoyed and deeply appreciative of the timely assistance.

These stories of Garry, Katie, Kevin, Erika, and Mrs. Brown reflect the core values of St. Johannes Lutheran Church: compassion, community, and unwavering support for those in need. We are grateful for the opportunity to make a difference in their lives and to witness the transformative power of kindness and solidarity.

If you would like to join us in our mission to help those in need, please visit our website or contact us.