At St. Johannes Lutheran Church, our mission goes beyond the walls of our sanctuary. We believe in embodying Christ’s love by helping those in need within our community. Recently, in partnership with The Navigation Center and Next Steps of Charleston, we supported several individuals and families facing challenging circumstances. Here are some of their stories, which remind us of the power of compassion, collaboration, and faith.

Lucille’s Story: Fighting for Fairness and Stability

Lucille, a disabled woman, lives with her daughter and 17-year-old granddaughter. Her daughter works at Roper Hospital in downtown Charleston, but despite their combined efforts, they found themselves behind on their electric bill. Additionally, their water bill had skyrocketed to over $1,200 due to a persistent leak under their home—a problem their landlord refused to fix.

Next Steps stepped in, offering Lucille and her daughter invaluable counsel. They were advised to document every interaction with their landlord, noting his responses—or lack thereof. We guided them in drafting a formal letter to address the issue and urged them to seek the assistance of a pro bono lawyer.

St. Johannes and Next Steps collaboratively covered their overdue electric bill, preventing a potentially devastating power shutoff. Recognizing the situation's urgency, St. Johannes is also considering hiring a plumber to resolve the leak. Our legal partners will work to recover this expense from the landlord. Lucille and her family expressed deep relief and gratitude for the support and clear action plan.

Tatum’s Journey: Rebuilding with Support

Tatum, a 23-year-old, is courageously navigating the path of recovery from substance abuse. Residing in a home for those in recovery, he recently secured a job—a significant milestone on his journey to stability. However, he faced a hurdle: the need for assistance with his rent.

Recognizing his determination and positive attitude, St. Johannes and Next Steps partnered to cover one week’s rent. This small but crucial support allowed Tatum to focus on his recovery and new job without the added stress of financial insecurity. His hard work and commitment to his program inspire us all.

Amanda’s Path to Stability

Amanda, another individual in recovery, has been making strides in her journey. Though she has a part-time job, she has been actively seeking full-time employment to secure a stable future. However, she found herself in a tight spot, needing help with her rent for the week.

Understanding her situation, St. Johannes and Next Steps provided the necessary funds to cover her rent, ensuring she could continue her recovery without disruption. Amanda was deeply appreciative, expressing her gratitude several times. With her resilience and determination, we believe Amanda will continue to move forward with strength and hope.

A Family’s Strength in Adversity

Our final story is of a woman who, despite language barriers, demonstrated incredible resilience. This mother was shot in the head while driving her children to a community event. This traumatic event temporarily prevented her from working, leading to financial strain and difficulties in paying her rent.

Though we could not communicate with her directly due to the absence of a translator, our partners at The Navigation Center recognized the strength and warmth of her family. Together, St. Johannes and The Navigation Center shared the cost of her overdue rent, providing the support she needed to keep her family stable during this difficult time.

Conclusion: Faith in Action

These stories reflect the heart of our mission at St. Johannes Lutheran Church. Through our partnerships with The Navigation Center and Next Steps of Charleston, we strive to provide light and hope for those in need. Each act of kindness, each collaboration, and each moment of support brings us closer to living out our faith in tangible, impactful ways.

We invite our congregation and community to join us in prayer, support, and action as we continue this work. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those who need it most and show the world the true meaning of Christ’s love.