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Why do we call the day Jesus died “good?” It wasn’t good for Jesus. He even sweated blood the night before at the thought of knowing what he was about to endure. We believe that Jesus’ death is good for believers because he took the sins and sinfulness of the world upon himself and conquered it by carrying it to his death. Sin is anything that separates us from a perfect God. Therefore, Jesus’s death is good news to believers because it means we are freed from our sins and sinfulness, thereby allowed to be in a relationship with God, who is love, life, and light for eternity. Jesus’ death is good because we are set free from the bondage of sin and the wages of sin: death.

At the Good Friday service, we remember Jesus hanging on the Cross for us. It is a somber service where we reflect on how our brokenness killed Jesus. We are the reason Jesus had to die, to save us from our sins (John 3:16) and reconcile us to God for eternity. His action was a complete gift that we call “grace.”

Check out the following video from Chuck Knows Church for a lighthearted explanation: